Enhance Your
Online Presence

With A Team Of Auto
Repair Marketing Experts

Our comprehensive web presence solution not only optimizes your website to reach more people but also manages your social media profiles, manages your Google Ads campaigns,  and keeps your content up-to-date. Plus, we make life easier with helpful features such as review automation, call recording & analytics, and technician hiring tools.

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Unique Designs

Our website designs will help you stand out from the competition. It is personalized to your shop and will showcase your brand values and best features. The improved user experience will make it more likely that website visitors will become customers.

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Enhanced SEO

You want to be found for the right jobs so your shop should be at the top of the search results for your targeted jobs! Our dedicated team will consistently update your website to  increase visibility resulting in a greater number of customers in your shop.

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Streamlined Process

Your time is valuable! Our quick and easy process to upgrade your online presence allows you to focus on your core business, and leave the marketing to the experts. Stay as involved as you like, while we take care of all the technical details, ensuring a stress-free experience.

What Our Customers Are Saying About Us


"Repair Shop Websites does a fantastic job!

My company has been a customer of Repair Shop Websites for more than six years. They have been instrumental in building our online presence from nothing up to a steady source of new customers."


Joss Tribble
Vandervert Automotive

"The Repair Shop Websites decision was a GREAT one!

I am still in shock with the service and promptness of their service. I have a lot to compare it to, because I have also had a home school business for 8 years with a website that had marginal service but now I know what it means to get above and beyond service. Thank you!"

Lakepoint Auto Service

"The Repair Shop Websites decision was a great one!

You guys have done a wonderful job with my website and have been very easy to work with. I’ve not only been happy with the site and the comments that I received from customers, but also the great deal that you offer…it’s so unbeatable that everyone should sign up!"

Rick Allen
Rick Allen’s Auto Repair

Which Plan Fits Your Situation?


Zero Contracts

Enhance Your Online Presence

Key Features Include:

  • Checkmark Enhanced Search Engine Optimization to increase online visibility
  • Checkmark Google Business Profile Management to improve local presence
  • Checkmark Mobile-friendly content & design with responsive click-to-call option
  • Checkmark Hiring page with job descriptions to bring in more techs


Zero Contracts

Maximize Your Online Reputation

Key Features Include:

  • Checkmark Google & Facebook Review Management to build authority
  • Checkmark Call Recording & Analytics to improve customer service
  • Checkmark Monthly Consultation with your account manager
  • Checkmark Professional videos from AutoNetTV on your site to educate customers

Our Industry Partners

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long before I should I expect to see results

Your website will be live in approximately 48 hours. However, it takes time for search engines to crawl and index your website, so you won't see results on search engine results pages (SERPs) right away. This is because there are billions of websites in existence, and search engines need time to compare your website's quality to others.

In general, our customers see results for targeted keyword phrases (such as "brake repair in Dayton Ohio") in 3-6 months. You may not immediately jump to the first result on the SERP, but you will see significant improvement during that period. More gradual improvements to your rankings will occur over time as we continue to optimize your site and add relevant content. This will signal to search engines that you are the top authority when it comes to the targeted keyword phrases.

How long am I obligated to stay?

While we bill 3 months at a time, you should only stay for as long as you see the value.  Unlike other web developers who lock you into long-term contracts, we don't want to tie you down. 

However, it's important to remember that SEO is an ongoing process. You need to keep updating and optimizing your website on a regular basis to maintain and improve your rankings. By partnering with Repair Shop Websites, you can get the best of both worlds. You'll get the benefits of professional marketing experts who specialize in the automotive industry without the long-term commitment. And you can focus on what you do best: providing excellent customer service!

Can you use my existing website?

We understand that you may have invested a lot of time and money into your existing website, and we want to make sure you're happy with the final result. We can reuse many of your images and sentiments, but we will need to build you something new to ensure your website is optimized for search engines.

Website optimization is a complex process that involves factors like wording, layout, site structure, and usability. We'll use our proven format to give you the results you're looking for.

We want to make sure your website looks great, but more importantly, we want it to deliver results. That's why we need to rebuild your website from the ground up. We'll work with you every step of the way to ensure you're happy with the end result.

Can you use my current website domain?

We can use your existing domain for your new website as long as you own it.  If your unsure who owns it, our team will work with you to identify the vendor and retain your domain when possible, or purchase you a new or similar one for no additional cost. Going forward, your domain and all of your supplied content will remain under your ownership.